Safe and sound!

She's finally here! With my due date being the 22 I was shocked when I went in on Tuesday the 9th because my daughter wasn't moving as much after nsts and bpp they found out my fluid was low. On Wednesday I went to my 37 week appointment and it was 9.5 and by Tuesday it was 5, they think I had a "high leak" for days I think Saturday because I swore I was peeing on myself. (I did smell it and it smelled like I peed, and even with the swabs it came back negative so that's why they say high leak) 
Anywho they medically induced me around 5pm and she came out at 12:23am on the 10th with not even a complete push she literally came flying out at 7lbs and 19.5 inches. Absolutely perfect and beyond blessed everything came out good. They were afraid of us getting an infection since my water was broken for so long. 
Here she is Miss Anastasia Raine my rainbow baby!