I need help. I'm failing hard at pumping.

Alison • FTM to a baby girl at 35, business owner, gamer, ICD specialist and happy wife to a brilliant man!
I'm really struggling with breastmilk and I would REALLY appreciate any input or advice anyone can share.
I have been breastfeeding for three days. My daughter latched on the first try and feeds like a champ. No issues there but my husband wants to share feeding duties so we'd like to pump for bottles for him to share with her. 
I've tried three different pumps at varied speeds and intensities. 
I'm using a pumping bra and seeing no benefit besides less tired arms. 
I have been pumping for six days. 
My left breast produces 35-45ml every three hours.
My right breast produces 30-35 every three hours. 
My daughter is in NICU and their release condition requires 45ml every three hours and at least 15 minutes at each breast during no less than 4 of her daily feelings. 
I pump every three hours for at least fifteen minutes. 
I'm getting solid short sleep sessions. 
I have upped my calorie intake by +600-800 calories. 
I eat oatmeal for breakfast and lunch. 
I can't eat the lactation cookies because I have food allergies but my mom made some and I'm eating those- flaxseed, almond butter, oatmeal and dried berries. 
I drink fenugreek tea and mothers milk tea. 
I hand express before, during and after pumping. 
I have items that smell like my daughter. 
I look at pictures of her as well as a video of her breastfeeding and a video of her crying. 
My production has stalled at the point it is at for three days straight and I'm really stressing. I put my little 60ml bottles of BM in the NICU fridge and I see all the other moms have the 300ml bottles lined up and completely full. 🙁
I really want pumping to work. Anything. Anything at all. Thanks ladies.