Baby's almost 3 months and me and the hubby keep fighting...

Hey ladies, I need advice!! So my baby boy is almost 3 months on Feb 21, and my husband and I fight a lot. He's a great father  and soo good with our son, this is our first, been married just over a year, but his family is from Minnesota and were in Florida, and we keep fighting over them coming down. Ladies I have no problem with them seeing their first grand baby, that's not the issue, we live in my grandmothers old house and it's not very big, well he insists (basically tells me this is happening without asking me how I feel first) that his parents WILL come down about every other month... I stay home with our son, and currently can't drive, and my thing is if they wanna come down that much why don't they get a place here... My grandmother still pays the electric bill too and all those people in our house just doesn't help... We don't have heat either just space heaters... And only 1 bathroom so that doesn't help much...I try to talk to him about it and be just takes his family's side... But my son and I should be his main priority, am I wrong for feeling this way... How would you all handle it??