Ovulation tests and glow predictions

Karen • Wife and Mum of 4 girls and one 👼 girl. Miscarriage May 2018. Rainbow baby boy due January 2020!
Ok...so we have been actively trying for our 2nd baby together (my 5th) and this is our 9th month now! For first few months my periods and cycles were all over the place but they seem to have settled between 28-30 days last few months or so. I've had a check up with a fertility doc just to confirm everything ok with me and he said just keep trying all is fine and start using ovulation tests. I bought some strips off ebay and began using the once a day from CD9 or 10. I missed cd 13 for some reason must have slipped my mind. Now on CD17 and supposed to have ovulate by now according to glow and ovia or be in fertile window peak right now but still had just the one line on tests. Been trying to chart BBT too which is new to me. And thought I spotted a dip right before I was due ovulation according to both apps. But still no 2nd line! We have BD either every other day or 3rd day since period ended so hoping we covered it. But I'm just wondering why it hasn't picked anything up yet on strips??? Thought I might at least get some faint lines but nothing just the control line :( glow stayed the same with predicting today as high % day but ovia shifted and saying it was 2 days ago for some reason? Don't know what to think. Feel frustrated and like giving up