Sharing my process.. How I got pregnant!!!

30yrs old and married for coming up on 4 yrs. This will be baby #1, no priors. We have been ttc since I stopped using orthocyclen (after 3 yrs) in July 2015. Every month since, there would be all kinds of symptoms, and while I followed glow religiously, and did the baby dance as routinely as I could during ovulation (every other day), it would still result in a heap of negative tests. Once I had a chemical pregnancy that dissolved by the time I tried to get a blood test to confirm it, thought I was all of 5-6 weeks pregnant, and the doctor was looking at me like she was ready to immediately commit me to an asylum. The rejection every month, and just the shear thought that I might have fertility issues, was sincerely taking a toll on me. Not to mention the way everyone else was popping them out like chips out of the bag, amd I had to dutifully attend baby showers with a smile 😒. I couldn't tame the jealousy festering inside. But this cycle?! I did some desperation-research, and did a couple things differently. #1 was that I stopped running to pee directly following my husband's release. I just kindly snuggled off to sleep, until I couldn't stand the leaky feeling any longer, and awoke two hours later to clean my self up. This was my way of replacing the whole menstrual cup insertion method that I read a lot about, where they would use it directly following insemenation to keep all viable sperm closer to where it needed to be. This just seemed too dang messy for me. #2 was using preseed every time we baby danced without fail. Preseed is a sperm friendly lubrication used to aid sperm in the traveling process. Bit of an inorganic method, but hey, whatever gets the job done!! 3. We decided to say EFF ovulation dates, and began on an every other day regimen as soon as af was out of sight to remedy an erroroneous information on glow's part. Sorry Glow, we just couldn't leave it all to you. 4. Was kind of a hit or miss however, I read that taking mucinex or any other kind of expectorant, would aid in thinning out your mucus below, and make for a smoother ride for the sperm to travel. So I tried that, though I didn't find any specific directions or instructions on usage for this in particular, I only took two pills, on two separate days. I didn't continue that method simply because I felt it was causing me to feel weak, wousy, nauseous, and sickly. I doubt this method had much to do with our success, but I'm not going to totally disregard it. Lastly was Faith. I didn't want to ask for something that wasn't in God's immediate plans for me. So I didn't originally pray on it. But I found resolution in asking God to bless us with a child only if it was written in the stars. And I'm guessing it was!.... I just wanted to share my journey with you girlies ttc. Baby dust to all... Also Please pray if you have faith. Please pray if you've lost faith. Please pray if you never had faith... Even if it isn't in the cards, you'll need to ask God to help you to did closure with it until it is. Good luck ladies... I wouldn't wish infertility on my enemy..