Period Sex Advice!

Okay ladies, 
My hubby is returning from a 6 month long deployment tomorrow, and of course Aunt Flow decides to come early this month! 😡 I see many posts on here of ppl who have sex on their period, and I'm looking for any advice on how to make it less messy and how to get us both in the mood....We've tried period sex in the past and every time we never finish. First time he pulled out a big blood clot and we called it quits hahaha. It will also be at the beginning of my cycle, day 2, which is normally my heavy flow day and when I feel the crappiest. Do some of you have period sex on heavy flow days or just till the end? It's also really hard for me to feel frisky during this time of the month bc I just feel gross and wanna be a lazy bum haha. I've heard to try it in the shower or put a towel down, and we've done that. I'm just beginning to think period sex may not be for us... 