So yesterday I went to my Obgyn thinking I was 7w 4d with some left sided cramps that had been ongoing for about 2 weeks. They did an ultrasound and where I got to see the baby and hear a heartbeat quickly. I sat around for a while after waiting for the report. My Obgyn comes in to tell me that I might be pregnant with TWINS! She said it is still too early to confirm as everything is still so small but from what the technician could see in one view was one baby and in another view was two! She also heard two heartbeats. They said one measured at 7w 1d and 6w 5d. I have to go back in two weeks for another to determine if there really are twins in there. Has anyone else has this happen to them before? Did it end up being twins? My mind has been nonstop racing since they told me. I was not expecting that at all!