Panic or anxiety

Ever since I've had my son I get episodes where I feel as if I'm about to die or my chest hurts and my heart skips a beat as if I'm in actual pain. I'm not sure if I'm in actual pain? I feel weakness in my arms random or chest and it goes away but I overthink and it comes back. I'm not sure if I'm going crazy or something is actually wrong? I felt numbness in my entire body at times, other times I just don't even know where I am. I can't enjoy my sex life it hurts when my boyfriend even tries to put it in s little bit inside of me. Once I was on the beach and cold air was blowing strongly I had a starp pain on the right side of my chest and I had to sit for it to subside. My back and everything hurt after that. I still don't know what causes this.
I've been to the doctor and they said I had ppd and the weakness in my arms is a side effect of stress but it feels different again I don't know if I'm overthinking this I just need to be reassured I feel like I'm doomed most of the time to feel like this for the rest of my life. I can't never enjoy my child or anything really anymore.