People mean comments

Sandy • I will grow stronger everyday.
of course it was normal for people to ask about my sons clef lip since none of us knew he was going to be born with it. But the comment of older people particularly my boyfriends side of the family have really gotten to me. When I just got out of the hospital 2 days pp we went to visit my boyfriends grandmother mind you she is very old. About late 70s? So there's an old Mexican tale that says if you got outside during an eclipse your baby will be born with deformities. This lady who I had a nice and caring relationship with said to my face that it was my fault. Pointed at me and said it was my fault for being careless and my heart just sunk. When his other grand parents constantly ask about his surgery and how 'good' he's going to look after it it makes me so furious. Finally one of my boyfriends aunts had the nerve to say I should burn the pictures of my son and delete everything so he never finds out he had a clef lip. I just really hate my boyfriend family sometimes they are very ignorant in what they say. I just don't want to deal and give these people attitudes when I see them. I just don't want to deal with them making me feel worse than I already do.