Left while pregnant

I'm almost 20 weeks pregnant, and my boyfriend of two years just left me. We got into a fight last night because he said something rude to me, and I wanted to cool down before talking to him about it. Instead of giving me space, he cornered me in a room, called me names, talked to me like I was stupid, and made stabs at my family, all because I told him I wasn't ready to talk.

This morning I told him what had upset me, and how he only made it worse by trying to force me to talk right away, and he basically blamed the whole thing on me, brought up every other fight we've had in the last few months, everything I've ever done wrong, and told me he wasn't happy anymore, even though up until last night, our relationship has been happy and near perfect the last few months.

I got home from work, and he told me it was over and asked what I wanted in regards to our soon to be daughter, and then just left so I could collect my things without him here, I suppose. He didn't say where he was going or what he expected me to do.

I'm in shock. I moved here for him and I work here, but the only place I have to stay is over an hour away. I don't get maternity leave because I'm self employed, and I can't afford to be on my own and take care of a baby. I don't even want a baby born into this messed up situation. I feel like a failure because she's not even going to have parents that are together. I'm a mess right now.