Do you think the father of an unborn child should have a say in whether or not the mother has an abortion, especially if he is a great person and wants to raise the baby himself?

A male friend of mine got his ex girlfriend pregnant while they were still together. They eventually split due to her not wanting the responsibility of a child and told him she was aborting the pregnancy. He wanted the baby, was willing to pay for all her medical expenses out of pocket, provide her with anything she wanted or needed and was willing and ready to raise the child on his own. She told him she'd think on it and 2 days later informed him of the abortion because and this is a direct quote "you're just the sperm donor so the only rights you have in the courts eyes is paying child support." So now my friend is broken hearted. I personally think that in this case and cases like this, the father should have a say so too.. I would love to hear your thoughts on this, but please no negativity.

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