My sisters dad is a narcissistic bully.

He has destroyed every last peck of my soul and made sure of it. He had me living in my bedroom starving for days as a child afraid to come downstairs, afraid to even speak with the psychological abuse he inflicted. He would push himself into my face aggressively and lift something to forcefully pretend to throw it to make me flinch meanwhile growling through his teeth telling me to "fuck up" with his face scrunched. All i was doing was watching tv in the opposite direction. If i buy gas he runs all the hot water down the drain. He goes ape shit if i buy anything and put it in HIS fridge. If i went into the kitchen and turned the light on, he would scream out "whos fucking in there" and id mumble "me sorry" and he would come racing out demanding to know what the fuck im eating now and ask why im eating them out of house and home if i have a cup of tea and god forbid im absolutely starving and order some chinese food, he comes out screaming making a fool of me to make the delivery man laugh. He ridicules me infront of any visitor or passer by and gets a kick out of it and always runs my name into the ground accusing me of brainwashing my sisters to make them badly behaved and my mum eggs him on and laughs everytime hes making a mockery of me. I refuse now to go near my home i grew up in. I always come away in pieces and end up mentally crashing for weeks before i can pull myself together again. Im trying to open up and tell his 'princess' daughter who has had an amazing childhood and shes telling me im just sensitive and my partner is only agreeing with seeing these things because he loves me. HOW do i tell her shes just constantly so defensive and sees him as gods gift to earth and plays off this "funny" role to get away with everything he does on me hes only "having some fun". She turns a complete blind eye just like the rest of the family. Even my grandma has told me "nomatter what he's done, he will always be my family for saving my daughter from your father". I just feel so stuck and theres a huge void now with my sisters because he knows im keeping my silence from fear and guilt that he has drilled into me and now my sisters see me keeping my distance and he tells them i dont care about them. What do i do 😭😭😭