
Jennifer • ᗪᗩᑌGᕼTᕮᖇᔕ; Geɴeѕιѕ Brιelle Lyrιc & Ecнo Aмιтy Grαce 🌸
I have a question; My cycle has always been an average 28 day cycle.. But since June my cycle has changed to approximately 30 days and for some reason Glow has y changed my Ovulation date this month when it was originally suppose to be the 22nd - 28th of October... Now, it says I already ovulated but I still have milky thick sticky discharge for 2 days now yesterday and today. Could someone help me figure out when I ovulate or if I already did because on other <a href="">Ovulation apps</a> it says I haven't yet. Here's a picture of my Charting: