What would you do... 📷

So Im traveling out of the country for the first time and I'm excited to see the guy I've been talking too and since I've never flown before I'm always telling him how happy I am so see him soon and he tells me I talk about it too much and it annoys him... So I told him this...

"You know what... I feel discouraged and hurt that you think me being excited to see you is annoying. I hate feeling when I'm excited about something and the one person I want to share that excitement with doesn't feel the same. Its hurtful.. Maybe I shouldn't come since its beginning to be a bit much for you now. I was excited and still am. But knowing that your tired of hearing it and how it makes me happy... Changes everything. And if you truly cared about me like I think you do... You wouldnt have said that. Knowing it would hurt my feelings.

He told me happy birthday the next day and that's all I heard from him. Should I just move on or wait until he says something to me before I just drop him as a friend ?