Fingering ๐Ÿ˜ซ

i feel nothing when i put my finger in it just feels gross on my hand and i feel no pleasure at all ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ whats wrong with me
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Lay down on your bed with ur head elevated by a pillow and have ur knees in the air that should get u into a position to feel it then wth whichever hand u feel comfortable and I usually use my left middle finger just start using a come hither motion u should be able to feel it but keep in mind most women don't orgasm from it most orgasm from clit 


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You may just not like it. I personally have no motivation to do anything to myself and I think it's completely normal. I think some people like it, and some people don't. I wouldn't worry terribly much ๐Ÿ˜Š


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I have to have a toy in me. Fingers just don't do the trick. Even me controlling the toy doesn't always do the trick. Sometimes my bf has to do it 


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I think its just jot your thing.I tried that once and it hurt.try masturbating with something else try edge of the chair or shower or rubbing


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I can't get pleased from doing it to myself but when my SO does it it's a different story. 


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Same I hate the feeling of my finger in there. It actually makes me queasy. External stimulation ftw. ๐Ÿ˜‚


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I dont like fingering myself either. I usually just stick to the clit either with my finger or a toy


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You shouldn't be uncomfortable with yourself like that. I hope you can learn to be amazed by your body. Maybe try the clit instead. Usually thats where all the pleasure is anyways. 


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I'm the same way girl. I tried it all and nothing works. I feel absolutely nothing ๐Ÿ˜’