How do you afford childcare?

danirose. • emilia belle 02.08.16 evangeline lee 08.28.20
I always see women posting about how they wish they could be a SAHM, but they can't afford to. This makes me extremely curious as to how being a SAHM is the more costly option. Do you have a really well-paying job? Is childcare inexpensive where you live? Do you have help with childcare from family/friends?
For me, I was only making $11.45 an hour at my job. Once you take out taxes, insurance, SS, etc., I made about $8/hr. Childcare where I live costs WAY more than that & I don't have family or friends nearby to help. So, until/unless I can get a job that pays AT LEAST $20/hr, it will not make financial sense to work.
How do you all do it?