Broken bone. Advice please !!!

So I broke my heel bone a few months ago & I've been told 2x-rays, a CT scan, an MRI & 7 months later that the reason for my pain is that I've chipped off a piece of bone that needs to be surgically removed. 
​In addition to the pain in the side of my foot, due to the above, i also have constant pain & tenderness around my Achilles' tendon, I've been to 4specialists & not one can tell me why I'm in pain in that area as there is no sign of tearing or tendinitis etc. Has anyone experienced anything similar & how did you deal with it? At this point i'm happy to try anything as i've been limping & have lost functionality for the last 7 months & i've only been married for 9 :(
​Or has anyone undergone an operation as such & if so how was the healing process? 
​Thanks in advance :)))