
Hubby and I were talking about taxes. And he got upset because I have told him many times before and tonight that I need to pay my bills that are way past due....due to me not having a job for about 4 months. Just started a new job and i don't make as much as he does. Well he said we agreed he would pay half of his 2,000+ credit card off from buying a rifle with it. My credit score is crappy now since I have not been able to pay my bills. When I was out of a job, he had told me he wasn't helping me with my bills anymore and if they go to collections,then they go to collections. I am so upset right now because my phone rings non stop about paying my bills and I can't use our tax money to get them paid. I don't know what to do. I am stressed and overwhelmed, because of those bills and I am pregnant with my second baby due in October. I can't even buy anything yet because I use my paycheck every two weeks to pay some on each bill.

Shouldn't he care that I have bills that are past due from like October 2015? Like come on. I have dr bills,dentist bill, my daughters dentist and dr bills, 2 credit cards that are almost paid off, cancelation fee from my old phone service.etc. My dad helped me with one of my phone bills and I dont want to ask for help again, because they won't.

Off to bed to cry myself to sleep now.