I think this belongs here.

  The butt hurt on this app alone is making me want to delete it. 
Idk how you anyone lets people you don't even know make you feel bad. Yes, I have a few subjects that I get annoyed if people bash on, but I don't let it ruin my day, I simply "hide post" and move on.  
Think to yourself before you get upset with someone's comment. 
who are they to you? -most likely a nobody who you don't even know in real life. So therefore , for all you know it could be a teenager trolling the site. Or some lonely woman who has nothing better to do. Don't stoop down to that level. 
Do you see them daily in real life? - most likely not. So who cares what some RANDOM person on an app says to you! The opinions you should take to heart are the people you love and care about. Other than that, it's energy wasted. 
 Also remember, It's so easy to be rude when you don't see these people in real life , it's easy to be rude when all you have to do is press some buttons. So stop letting it ruin your day ! 
 Sorry guys! I just feel bad at how many people are so upset daily now, because of opinions of others. They are JUST OPINIONS. 
I liked this app because people used to actually discuss things like adults. Now it's like everyone is 16 again and we are in high school playing mean girls. 
I won't lie, it does pass the time ,but it's getting out of hand now. Did you just see the poll about "have you been personally victimized by SoandSo?" Like wth people. If you don't like what someone says, scroll past, hide comment, or block them. 
Okay the end. Hope the you guys have a good day today! It's sunny where I'm at and I think I'm gonna take my dog for a walk.