Help!! Pain and I'm not sure if it could be endo or not.

So this is a bit of a long story, but I'll try to keep it short. 
I have endo, adeno and polycystic ovaries. I've had 2 laps (June 2013 and May 2014). In the first lap, they found and removed endo, mostly from the right side. In the second lap, they found no new endo and very little scarring from the first, despite the pain getting much worse after the first lap. The second lap happened 2 days before I started meds to go through the <a href="">IVF</a> round (including egg collection) that resulted in us conceiving our baby girl, who is almost 1. The pain continued in my lower right side and down my right leg, so my dr said he thought it was endo in my muscles and the only way to know is if the pain stopped when I got pregnant- the pain did stop when I was pregnant and started again when bubs was 6 weeks. Because of all of this we need <a href="">IVF</a> to get pregnant, and we did a second round in Feb to try for baby 2 after trying naturally for 6 or 7 months, but this ended in miscarriage. I was only 4 weeks and told that I was pregnant but it wasn't viable so expect a miscarriage- this all happened without much issue 3 days after I stopped the medication I was on. 
It's been 2 weeks since the miscarriage and since the last day of my bleed, 3 days after it started, I've had pain on and off in both sides / flanks, across my back and down towards my groin (although not quite that far). I've had scans on my kidneys, ovaries, uterus, gallbladder etc and had blood tests - all came back negative of any known issue. I'm not convinced it's endo but my dr has said it could be - mostly because she can't find any evidence of anything else. I know my endo pain at its worst was from my shoulders down to my feet, but never just on my sides and never felt like this, so I doubt it's endo. The pain now is much higher in my sides than before. 
Anyone experience anything like this? Any suggestions??
I'm desperate to get rid of this pain because it started when my miscarriage ended, I can't stop thinking about that and can't move on until the pain does. And I'm also desperate to have another baby ASAP because I've been told the longer I leave it the less likely we'll be to have another baby (even with <a href="">IVF</a>) and I want my baby girl to have a sibling.