Sex after baby

My little one was born a little over two months ago. I was not in any rush to get back to having sex. Of course my husband did not feel the same. He was counting down the days, and couldn't wait till I was done with my six week check up. 
When we got the all clear, I was not excited. I have had literally no desire for sex. Zero. 
I have done it a couple times because I know how much my husband needed it. But I do not want it. I am hoping this is just from my hormones being out of whack from breastfeeding. But it is getting to the point that I am actually turned off by him. 
Please someone tell me this is normal? If not, what can I do? I hate to have this happen to us. I have always greatly enjoyed  sex, but for some reason I just can't seem to get back into it! 😩