Pregnancy hormones part 3

Shannon • 16 years old and enjoying life. I love school and I enjoy dance lessons. I am not ttc but I do have a fur babe
Well, my aunt from Florida actually came and got me. My dad told me to call him if I need anything and gave me a hug. He told me he is going to take care of Fizgig while I'm gone and he love me very much. My little sister and brother both have me hugs and I hug them. But my mom. She was her same mean self even while I'm leaving. She told me I'm a bad sister to my oldest sister and that I'm ungrateful and selfish. She did not hug me or say goodbye instead she told me don't come back until I get rid of the bad attitude I have. My oldest sister came down the stairs and told me it's good I'm going because now my room can be used for her and her bf baby. I tried not to let it bother me but I'm still sad. So far my aunt has been okay towards me. I am enjoying my cousin. Since we are close in age she invited me to hang out with her and her friends. They r pretty cool. My aunt just wants me to clean up after myself and help with dishes and trash. Thank you everyone who encouraged me to talk to my parents.