Dh says I was rude to sil

So my sil currently resides with us; she's young (19) but has a good head on her shoulders. She is dating this guy who has no job, no car, lives at home with his parents and has od'd on pain pills and alcohol 3 times in the past two years the last time he almost died. Today she was telling me how his parents are soo controlling and how he got in trouble when they went out of town this past week for going with a friend to a different city (about two hours away) when he was suppose to be house sitting he ended up getting pretty inebriated. I spoke my mind and told her if it was my kid Id be pretty upset as well and that if he doesn't want them that involved in his life he needs to get a job and move out but until he pays his own bills they have every right to tell him what to do and that given his past issues with alcohol he should not be drinking at all. My DH told me I was pretty rude.. What do you ladies think?