Boyfriend issues

So my boyfriend who I'm currently with and I have been going out for 5months now and I do love him but for a while now we have been constantly arguing and just things keep happening and not being big headed a lot of the time not involving me and I've told both my friends that I'm closest with and they said to just tell him but I feel like I'll just upset him and the last time I told him something like this he got quite upset and the other day he was with me and just stopped speaking to me for no reason and it has got to the point where I have said to my friends I don't know how much longer our relationship woll last because I'm constantly down and upset and I've just got back from holiday which was amazing because I had a break from it but I don't want to leave him because so many people have said I've changed him and made him so happy and he doesn't realise what he's doing (at least I don't think he does) I really don't know what to do 😔😫😫