Possibly pregnant?

Hi! I'm usually a lurker but decided to come here for advice. 
AF was due last Thursday. Tomorrow will be 6 days late. I have PCOS and was misdiagnosed with IBS in 2001. I recently found out (beginning of October) that it is NOT IBS but a gluten allergy. I've changed my diet to completely gluten free and off all of the IBS medications (feeling great!!)
I took a dip strip test last Friday and it came back neg. However, I'm craving weird things like pickles, pumpkin seeds, milk (I only drink milk when it's with cereals and that's rare). 
I'm really tired too for no reason. My breasts aren't tender but my nipples hurt a bit when touched. 
Is it possible I'm pregnant? I am off all pregnancy meds (Clomid) so  thinking my PCOS has kicked in again. 
I bought first response today and going to test in the morning. 
What do you ladies think??