Is she crazy?

I'm friends with this girl through marriage. She married my husband's friend. She met her husband 3 years ago. Immediately wanted to get married and have a baby. Got pregnant, had her baby, then they got married. Before they got married she would post on FB "I know my husband will be a good dad because he's already a good dad!" A few months after getting married, she posts "We NEVER get alone time! Being a parent is so hard! I just want alone time with my husband!" (She also has a 9 yr old with someone else). So months of her complaining about how hard parenting is and how she can't wait for alone time in 18 years, blah blah....I get pregnant. She congratulates me and says "I basically have a million kids so ask me anything, I'm a pro." Yeah okay, thanks. Here comes the kicker: Her very next fb post is "I don't believe people should have more babies, there are too many unwanted children in this world that need a home, people should adopt."....... ARE YOU SERIOUS? I mean, don't get me wrong, there are too many children, but how can you say that when you went baby crazy and have 2 of your own? Now you're done and don't think people should have kids? Is this bia crazy or am I the crazy one?