2 Days Old and Trying to Breastfeed/Pump; Need Some Advice

My little sweet, Olivia, was born on the 21st at 2:16pm so she's about 1 day and 15 hours old. Her and I did perfect with latching and breastfeeding right after she was delivered, two times in a row. (Like within less than three hours of being born, 30 mins on each breast.) We tried a few more times over the next seven hours and had some success but less time than the first two and latches weren't great; my nipples were decently sore/painful. She was taken to the NICU due to congestion where she's either been on bottle or IV since about her 13th hour out. I've tried pumping now about 6 times and get NOTHING to come out. Is this normal? Any advice? I'm trying to pump so I can give it to the NICU for her :(