Help! Getting my baby to sleep...


Help, first time mom here! My 3 week old will not fall asleep unless he is nursing. I have read too many articles, some saying you can't spoil them at this age and to do whatever works and some saying not to let him fall asleep after eating. He sleeps well (1-2 hour day naps and 2-4 hours at night), it's just getting him to sleep is a battle.

His father and I have tried so many things: swaddling, rocker, swing, shushing, a pacifier, a bottle with breast milk, a sound machine, fish with lights and sound machine, a bath, lavender bedtime lotion, and baby massage. Nothing has worked, he just keeps crying and sometimes for an hour or more. He shuts up and passes out within minutes of nursing. He typically isn't hungry because he has already eaten and he only drinks a couple of swallows. I can feel and tell that he is nursing for comfort. I obviously feed him if it has been a while and am still nursing on demand.

What do I do? Should I keep letting him calm down and fall asleep by nursing or let him cry? Any other techniques people have found successful ?

I welcome any suggestions, advice, or comments...thank you