My pregnancy story! Had to share *LONG*

I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 23 weeks! I have been on birth control since I was 14 years old I'm now 22. I had the implant for two years and my periods started to become month long periods so I got it taken out and switched back over to the pill. Well when I switched back over I had gotten pregnant. I took three at home pregnancy tests and all of them came back positive at "1-2 weeks". I never wanted to be pregnant at such a young age but of course me and my SO got excited. High school sweethearts and I believe everything happens for a reason. We were already living on our own and working full time doing what we love to do, so we were ready. So I went in for my first check up and they told me my levels were low and I was probably having a chemical pregnancy. We did a second  blood test and my levels were so low almost non existent and they confirmed it was a chemical pregnancy. Totally heart breaking but thinking "okay again everything happens for a reason life goes on and we'll be okay." Two days later I started what I thought was my period. Months went by where I was still taking my birth control and having a "period" regularly. I've always had light periods about 3 days long so I thought nothing of it. No symptoms what so ever. Well In the past couple years I began exercising and eating healthy and dropped down to 124 pounds. And I started to notice that my clothes were getting tighter so I thought maybe I was just putting on a little weight since I used to be a bit bigger and and hadn't been exercing as much. Then I missed my "period". So I took an at home test three weeks after missing it and it came back a strong positive instantly. I thought I was the rare .01% that got pregnant while on birth control or maybe missed a day or two somewhere along the line. We made an appointment to confirm the pregnancy and they told me I must have been about 8 weeks pregnant. So then we made the first OB appointment and my doctor was feeling my stomach and we heard such a strong beautiful heartbeat. She told me "either your around 4 months pregnant or your having twins". Thinking "there's no way in hell in four months pregnant I'm probably having twins. That scared the crap out of me. We made an ultrasound appointment later that day and they confirmed that I was 23 weeks pregnant with a baby boy. About SIX months pregnant NOT four. That was such a scary moment for us. That gave us three months to prepare and I had not been taking any prenatuls and I smoked cigarettes. I had only gained 5 pounds in six months and when we told everyone no one believed I was six months pregnant because I was so tiny. Every appointment after that all I could ask is "is he big enough is he growing right" I am so thankful every day that I am not and have never been a drinker. Yes I had a beer or two every once in a while but never regularly. Well three months later on February 19th I gave birth to the most beautiful little boy I have ever layed my eyes on. As healthy and happy as can be. I labored from 11pm February 18th and went in at 10am at 5cm on February 19th. Got the epidural but it didn't work so I gave birth naturally and pushed for three hours and he arrived at 8:09 that night. We went home and 11pm the next day with out any complications. He was born 7lbs 9oz and 21 inches long. His last check up at 5 months he was 20lbs 29 inches. He has hit every milestone so beautifully and with so much curiousity and love for life in his face. He's been trying to crawl and has mastered scooting since he was five months old. He's a total go getter just like his father. He is such a miracle and I am truly amazed by him every single day. I couldn't have gotten any luckier. Truly a blessing. AND he was born on his due date 😊😍
A week before he was born
His first ultrasound 
Him and his father the day he was born 
Just the other day