trouble passing the sac and any questions you have!

I should start off my saying this is my second miscarriage. The first ended in D&C. Over the past few days I went through my first natural miscarriage. I had a weird experience tho. I went through the normal chain of events. Spotting, heavier period like bleeding (which caused alarm for me to go to the ER where I found out I was miscarriying the night before Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> ), serious cramping (which caused me to go to the ER Christmas morning for pain meds) and passing clots. It chilled out about day 4. I thought every thing was basically over as far as passing things went because the clots where slowing down. I Went to bed that night exhausted. A lot happed trying to deal with this and keep up with Christmas traditions. Early morning (2am) of day 5(today) I woke up screaming due to a terrifying dream. I had the urge to use the bathroom so I got up to potty next thing you know I was contracting again! This time I knew what was coming. I passed the placenta and waited for the sac. I could feel the top of it with my hand but it wasn't budging. My  husband was a little grossed out at this point. I pushed and gave the sac a little tug but is wasn't moving. I tried taking a bath, sitting on the toilet and lying in the bed. I waited about an hour and decided just to go back to sleep and wait to see if I had any luck later that morning. I woke up (8pm)tried again nothing moved, in fact it retracted a bit. Now I'm panicking I called my doctors office and due to insurance not being in network with his office I'd be running all over town getting blood work, ultra sound, then the dr visit. I couldn't wait that long especially running all over town due to as the nurse put it "a medical emergency". Instead I went to the ER and explained that I feel as if it is stuck and my cervix is closing. They obviously looked at me like I'm stupid and I don't know anything I'm talking about since I have no children and this was my first natural miscarriage..... Well guess what?! When they finally got me back that's exactly what was happening! The dr help me finish passing it and set up an appointment for tomorrow with my OB. Moral of the story ladies trust your body's and you gut feeling! You know what your body can and can't handle. I wanted to share my story asap because I had no idea what was happening at first and I couldn't find anything on the internet about this nor was it easy to contact my OBs office.  Rip my sweet Angel! 👼🏻