in need of relationship advice!

Mariel • 19 ✨ Cosmetology student 💋 AVEDA
I met a guy about 7 months ago and he is super cute, intelligent, outgoing, funny etc...  im the type that jumps in too quickly so I decided to let time pass. at the beginning I wasn't really sure if I should be liking him or not because I didn't want to approach him and me be first to say something about my feelings.. as time has gone by, he's giving me multiple signs which include flirting, being touchy and and making each other laugh! The biggest problem is that a lot of other women like him! From 28 yrs old to 15 yrs old... he's 18 and I'm 19 .... my feelings are starting to become so much bigger for him that I feel like I should say something! I don't know what to do!