Sleep training fail!

For a few weeks now we've tried (with my 5 and a half month old son) differed sleep training techniques. Nothing has worked! We tried CIO with and without us checking on him..he just doesn't know how to self soothe. UNLESS he's in his swing. He can nap for 2 hours at a timr, but wakes every hour at night in his pack and play. I caved last night and put him in swing and we got almost 5 hours of sleep. I know sleeping in a swing is bad, but I've been getting only 2-3 hours of sleep per night for the last 2 months. I am exhausted! So exhausted, I left my car window down the other night and it rained all night and i woke up to a flooded car 😣. We've currently switched to soy formula because of a suspected milk allergy and our ped was hoping the switch would help him sleep better at night, but it's gotten worse! His reflux has improved tremendously. I just don't know what he has against sleeping somewhere other than his swing! He used to could sleep anywhere. I just don't know what to do anymore, other than let him sleep in his swing for a week or so then try sleep training again.