Weight gain woes! Help needed!!

I'm 23w5d and have gained 12-14 lbs from my starting weight of 130. My doctor was upset at my 20w apt that I had gained 8 lbs between 16 to 20 (it was my first  weight gain and the holidays). I'm still active, running 2-4 miles 4-5 days a week and eat fairly healthy but can't seem to get my hunger in check... What should I do? I have 10 days before my 24 week apt and need to weigh no more than 142 or else get in trouble...again. Any ideas?
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Posted at
Oh gosh...don't stress about that. If you're active and eating healthy and baby is ok that's all that matters. The number on the scale is hugely subjective to each woman and each baby. Much less healthy to stress over it than to gain a few extra pounds...your doctor should know better. 


Posted at
This is surprising that your doctor would be upset about your weight gain... I'm 23 weeks and have gained around 15 lbs... I have my monthly appointment tomorrow, but she has never said anything about my weight gain being an issue. I was around 145 to start. 


Posted at
That sounds fine to me, if you're eating healthy and exercising. Plus 130 isn't really a big starting weight. It could be water retention. I lost weight 1st trimester, then put on 5lbs in a week, then pretty much stayed the same for most of the 2nd trimester now I'm nearing the end of the 2nd ive had another big weight gain. 5lbs again. Every body and every baby is different. Mine must grow in fits and starts. Maybe yours is growing quickly at this stage and wil have a slower growth period later. Stress isn't good for you either so try not to worry. I'm sure it will level out.


Posted at
I am 5'10 and started at 125. I'm 19 weeks and at my last appt I had gained 15lbs. She had no problem with it. She said lets keep it under 40lbs this time. With my daughter I gained 60! I wouldn't freak out about it as long as your not starving yourself and your exercising, just shove it off. She shouldn't be angry that you have gained only that much. 


Posted at
Im 19 weeks 1 day & instead of gaining , I've lost over 40 pounds.. the baby is growing normal and she is very healthy , im just losing weight.   I'll be glad when I gain some weight!