Anyone ever been afraid to move house?

For years I've been dying to sell our condo and buy a full-sized home. Now that we have our baby it made sense to finally make the move. We found a place for a great price (much less than we thought we'd have to spend to get what we wanted in the area we wanted) and we are moving next month, despite me being out of work for maternity leave (we weren't planning to move until after I was back to work but the opportunity was too good to pass up).
So you'd think I'd be excited right? Except my anxiety is tearing me apart. I'm worrying about not selling the condo even though we will manage to carry both mortgages if we need to - and if we really can't sell it we can easily rent it. I'm suddenly worrying it's too small - even though I actually love the house. Worrying that I won't like the area even though I was dying to move there. Worrying that there's something wrong with it, literally not sleeping at night worrying that it's haunted. It's like I'm suddenly petrified to move and feeling so nostalgic for our our tiny condo already - you know, the one I couldn't wait to sell! 
What is WRONG with me?!! Has anyone experienced anything like this before?