sooooo stressed out

Any other SAHMs feel like they are on the edge of sanity or is it just me???? I have a 2 year old and 6 month old. Feel like I'm teetering on the edge of going insane and so stressed out. 😢
I know some people would kill for the "luxury" of staying home and I am grateful that I get to but I also feel like I have absolutely no life outside of being a mom. My husband works long hours and is home about 1 hour before they go to bed so 90% of parenting is me. Dinner time is so hard to juggle. I also do the night feedings which is starting to make me really resentful of him. On the other hand I feel awful saying that because he wakes up early for work and also makes a lot of money to support us. Him cutting back on hours is not an option with his position.