he doesn't want to try again...

So I am currently going through my miscarriage that was confirmed yesterday. I asked my husband about maybe trying again later and when would he want to do so, and his answer was "I think I will just get fixed instead". That's hurts more than the physical pain that I am in right now. I know people are going to jump on my case and say "he's hurting too..." but I would never say something to him so...so cold. It makes me wonder if he even really was into trying before the miscarriage. I  to the point where I am very vague in my conversations with him. Not showing any anger or pain or anything. Just numb. This is my fifth miscarriage but his first. (Previous marriage) So I was assuming he would have some emotions towards it but instead just wants to get fixed. I sit and wonder why go through planning for a baby in the first place when it wasn't something you really wanted? Maybe I'm just overthinking it and letting my hurt take over. Should we see someone? I dunno. Sigh