sorry husband πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

Can I please get some real advice. I'm trying to leave my husband, I feel like he's not the person for me. I only married him cause I was pregnant & I thought it would be best for my child plus I felt pressure to marry him by family! I love him but he means me no good. I work my WHOLE pregnancy while he sat at home & played the game, he got fired from his job when I was around 10 weeks because he never wanted to go. He don't help pay bills. I take care of his other kids while he does nothing. I thought things would change over time but they only gotta worse or stays the same. I have tried over & over to talk to him but it only seem to start a fight! I'm at my lost straw with him. All he does since the baby was born is get high and drunk ALL day! Look at the baby while he cries. And he only plays with our baby for about 15 mins a day. He stills have no job and is no support. I know ppl have bad times but I don't know what to do anymore. Please help!!! Should I stay and keep fighting or give it a breakΒ