Why Can't People Just Accept?

Kealey 🚨👮🏼🍝🏳️‍🌈🇨🇦 • Demi- Pansexual • wannabe randi • meatball head • Ex- Jehovah's Witness • Pro-CHOICE • pro-drugs • GAD & Depression • 16 years old • Polite Canadian until you piss me off •
WHY can't people just except that some people are gay? Or that they like both genders? 
Why can't people just accept some people are transgender and can't change that part of them? That they ARE NOT the assigned sex at birth. 
does it affect your life? HELL FUCKING NO.
Does it effect theirs when you bash and don't try to understand? HELL FUCKING YES.
A boy who says he's a boy is a boy. A girl who says she's a girl is a girl. It doesn't matter who they date/fuck.
ITS NOT YOUR BUSINESS. And the religious argument about it being a sin, doesn't even matter because I swear there's a verse in the bible saying that all sins are equal.
So me having sex with s girl is just as sinful as you getting a tattoo, or piercing, or wearing freaking mixed fabrics.
So. WHY do we have homophobics and transphobics? Those people ain't scary! They're just different. And different is OKAY.