in need of a butt miracle!!


Anyone have any home remidies for diaper rash? This has been going on since may off and on her butt gets welts and get to the point it bleeds it get so bad! Drs refuse to give her a medicated cream. I've tried the blue original destitn, the purple destitn. The butt paste both original and maximum strength. Tried baking soda baths. Nothing is helping and I hate seeing her scream in pain and there's nothing I can do. Please help! 
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Are you sure it's not yeast?


Julie • Jun 28, 2017
Probably yeast. Get some antifungal cream (foot section) and use that. I used it once and my guys yeast was totally gone


Je • Jun 27, 2017
I'm not sure she's not had diarrhea all day and it's cleared up a lot today but is still not 100% gone


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It may be a combination of yeast & diaper rash.. my sons was really bad on & off for about a month.. went to the dr got some yeast cream when I ran out of that we used the natural butt paste 🙌🏻 life saver cleared right up!


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Have you tried aquaphor? It has worked really well for us


Je • Jun 27, 2017
Yep in between changes I use it and alternate the butt paste


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We use triple paste and it seems to clear things up right away. 


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That's most likely a yeast infection. Monistat 7 day cream with a diaper cream coating on top, all 7 days. Diaper rash be gone!


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You tell them you want an antifungal! Or request to see another md at the practice. 


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Triple paste diaper cream for any diaper rash - it's amazing and a tub of it goes a long way. 


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We had something similar and turns out it was yeast. Dr prescribed nystatin and a coat of diaper rash cream over it. She also suggested unless necessary like poop to not wipe her and instead reapply the nystatin and the diaper rash cream. If you wipe, gently blowing or fanning the diaper to ensure a dryer bottom helps too. Dr said it would take approx two weeks to clear up completely and she was right.


Je • Jun 30, 2017
Thank you!


Posted at
Try "penaten". German creme, but easily obtainable in states through Amazon. About $10 a Tin. My babes first couple rashes went away using it and they've never come back in nearly a year. It's been around for a long time so it's tried and tested (people use them on dog skin too haha). My mother in law used it in Germany in 60's and on my hubs in the 70's so we all swear by it lol