Day Ruined


This is a small rant......

Every year we go to my grandparents for the 4th of July because the have a big lawn and stuff. This year i was sitting up on their deck and i somehow got pulled into conversation with some of their oldest friends and i had to spend all day talking to them because there was no way for me to politely exit the conversation. I didnt get to spend any time with family only them. When i finally did get pulled out it was because we had to start getting ready to go to the city fireworks. I spent all day talking to them and didn't get to spend anytime with my family. When my mom came up on the deck she asked me to put some of the fireworks away for later and so i was on the way to my car when one of my aunts came up and said "when did you get here i havnt seen you all day?" And i told her that ive been there all day. Im ao upset about this, because I don't get to see them until labour day weekend