Sex Ed


I know I'm one of the only people who thinks this way but STOP BLAMING SCHOOLS FOR NOT TEACHING YOUR KIDS ABOUT SEX. ITS YOUR JOB NOT THE SCHOOL'S. Kids deserve to hear about it from someone who actually cares about them being safe who will answer all their questions without making them feel stupid for it. They don't deserve some random teacher who has to teach it at a pace that not everyone can keep up with. Parents where I live would freak out and try to sue the school if they gave us PROPER sex education because half the kids' parents are convinced they're virgins and don't want their children to have anything to do with sex. Argue with me I don't care. But don't act like I'm a terrible person for stating my opinion. And yes, I am very educated on sex so don't try to tell me I'm not just because I'm young. It's not about school it's about how willing you are to talk about it with people you trust who have experience with the topic.