6 month old whining

My daughter will be 7 months old tomorrow. She has always been such a good baby. She'd only cry if she was hungry or wet or whatever and then after I fixed the problem she'd be fine. Even when her two bottom teeth came in. I had no idea they were coming in until she bit my mom one day and we noticed they'd popped through. 
Well now the past month she has been so whiney. Not even crying. Just WHINING at me. It's driving me up a wall!! I just fed her green beans, changed her butt, played with her for a little while, and then put her in her walker with a kids show on tv. And she still just won't stop literally whining. I'm pulling my hair out. It's like half the time she's not even upset, I'll ask "what?" and she'll smile or just look at me and look back to the tv and continue to whine. Im trying not to give her any positive attention when she whines but still obviously still addressing any problems she has. I know, she's only 6 months, so im sure it isn't manipulative behavior but I don't want it to evolve into manipulative behavior. 
Is anyone else having issues with this?? I'm losing it!!!!