Having a Hard Time


Mostly just a rant...

LO is approaching 6 months and started teething over the last 2 weeks and I CANNOT seem to get ANY work done. Little girl is still only taking 30-45 minute naps, despite having introduced the "nap hour" 3 weeks ago :-(.

I have been trying to work when she is awake, but she had been so fussy due to the teething that I rarely seem to actually accomplish anything because she wants to held/played with/etc.

I start grad school classes in a month and am going to need to work more hours to cover another employee who is going on maternity leave in October and I am starting to worry that I just won't be able to do it all.

I am hoping that once my little girl actually cuts her teeth shewill be less fussy during wake times. I am also hoping she'll get progressively better at self occupation so I can actually work, school, and house keep effectively.