Postpartum depression and anxiety

I'm trying to reach out to other woman right now because I have no idea what to do with myself.

I have been so sad, and hopeless about just everything around me. Myself, and my life. I'm going through quite a hard time in my relationship and it's not been doing good at all.

My weight has been eating away at me.

Im a stay at home mom so I feel isolated and alone and just like nothing because I don't even make my own money anymore.

I'm always broke.

I get no sleep due to my little one always needing me and me also EBF

I don't feel like myself anymore 😔 I've lost sight of myself and my goals..

My depression and anxiety won't let me sleep even though I'm sleepy.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is, because of all my issues I'm severely depressed and my anxiety has been through the roof. What's good medication or even things I can do to help this all? Ugh

Thank you so much if you respond.. you have no idea how much I'll appreciate it 🙏🏼

Btw: 22 years old, my sons 6 months, I used to weigh 124 pre pregnancy and now I'm 150. Was like 184 ending pregnancy. My relationship has been super shitty (my bf who is the father of my child is xontrolling, ALWAYS jealous and on my ass about little things, doesn't trust me even though I've done nothing to him, always arguing and I could go on- but I'd be writing forever. )

If that info helps any.

Thanks again.