Need help

Julie • First baby boy 👶🏽

I have deal with anxiety/ depression for about 4 years and now i had my baby about 4 month ago. But for some reason i stress really bad about going out, i feel bad cause weather been nice and his not outside exploring but i worry about if the baby going to ask me for food ( breastmilk ) and then i worry he might get sunburn but then cant apply him sunblock cause I, afraid he might get a reaction to the sunblock or that i might forget diapers or other things. I have a kids party this Saturday and just thinking about it is getting me all stress. If i feed my baby what would people think, if is going to be hot i will bee all sweating and i need to hold him and need to cover him up and i hate been all hot so i cant imagine how he will feel. the point i need to focus on him and i cant have a conversation with someone while feeding him. And if I'm not feeding him i cant focus on my surrounding i can just focus on him. My psychologist say to keep going out for practice but i cant go. I only have gone to the beach one time and that stress me out that i started to have an anxiety attack. My husband been there all the time but now with the kid he feels am making an excuse to not take him out. Is hard cause i work mornings and him at night so is just me and the baby.. and thats not saying we are up early morning for daycare drop off i think the most os i just want to stay sleep and rest

Have anyone experience this after delivering your baby? How did you over come it ?