Help planning first date back??!


Hi ladies,

I have been seeing a guy (unexclusively) since March. We met while I was in D.C. for an internship and went our separate ways for the summer because I returned home after graduation. I'm returning to D.C. next week as I start law school and I'm a little anxious about seeing him again.

Although we kept in contact daily there's a mutual understanding that we have been seeing other people. Things have gotten a little more complicated than the lighthearted and fun relationship we had before I left, but he still expressed interest in me and I am interested in him as well.

I want to make our first time back together a special one since I've been going back and forth about my feelings for him. He doesn't believe that I'm as interested and hates that I don't open up to him much. I want to open up to him a bit but I don't want things to be too solemn though. I also don't want to go on a traditional date: movies, museum, dinner, etc).

Any ideas? I was thinking maybe we could do a late lunch by the Lincoln memorial (discreetly packing some wine and watching the sunset). Or maybe we could go to one of the nice parks. I don't know I just want it to be special. Any thoughts?