just need to vent

I love my husband, and we have two lite girls together. I am white, and my husband is Hispanic. Well my family has been nothing but racist since they found out we were in a relationship. They would ask me if he was an "illegal," said he was a sand n**ger, told me my daughter's don't want to Mexican, they don't need to know Spanish (his family only speaks Spanish), they asked me why I raise them to know their Hispanic culture, they told me I was a slut for having kids with my husband, ext... So I don't take my kids over there. I feel like if they can say those things in front of my kids, my husband, and myself then they don't need to know my kids. Well i have people sending me nasty FB messages telling me i an a horrible mom for "denying my children love" from my family. My family has messaged me calling me a skank, and a whore. Now my cousin (who is also very racist) started dating my younger brother in law. Well now she tells my brother in law how awful I am for not taking my kids to see my family, gets my brother in law to tell my mother in law, so that my mother in law will tell me I need to take my kids to my family. I am having such a hard time now because every week I'm getting messages like these. I thought I was doing the right thing keeping my kids away from those people, but now I don't know. I feel so lost, and I am starting to feel like a bad mom. sorry for the rant!