Here's our TTC journey so far! IUI #2 on Friday!

Elsie • 💙04/2018 & due with #2 11/2020

I was diagnosed with severe PCOS in 2016 and Hashimoto's hypothyroidism in 2012. I am 25 years old and DH is 27. High school sweetheart as well who are praying daily for a little one(s). 💕

After 3 cycles of failed Clomid, 1 failed cycle of gonal f + trigger + timed intercourse, 1 failed <a href="">IUI</a> +gonal f + trigger shot, we are onto our second <a href="">IUI</a> with gonal f + trigger shot.

We have two follicles: one at 17 and one at 19 with an E2 (estrogen) level at 251.3. We are scheduled to trigger tonight and have our <a href="">IUI</a> at 9 AM on Friday morning. I will return for progesterone test on Friday, 8/25 and then will take 1/2 CC of an HCG trigger that night as well. We can test on 9/5 but I know I will want to test before! DH's parents are coming to visit us for Labor Day weekend so I will not be partaking in any drinking. (They are aware of the process, so understand.) We will not tell them we are waiting for an answer, however.

We are so hopeful and excited with a bit of anxiety mixed in. We have been trying for almost a year with aid of fertility and would love a little one so badly.

Is anyone else on a similar journey or path? Sending prayers and love to all!