PLEASE HELP! I'm SO Confused!

Jesika • Wifey to Enginerd, Mother to daughters, 12/21/09 and 05/16/2018, due May 2021 with #3, working hard to build a girl gang

Long story short, I am currently CD28 and 13DPO. Because I'm on my second round of Clomid, my dr. confirmed with a CD21 test that I did ovulate. On 9DPO I had what I would assume was Implantation Bleeding (after sex I had dark brown discharge that went away by the next morning and was very light). I started taking HPTs the following day (because I am addicted to POAS) and as of this morning I have not gotten a BFP. Last night after my DH and I BD there was bright red blood. Not a ton but sorta like, whoa. I figured, shit, I started my period. Later that night when I went to the restroom there was still a bit of blood (like light spotting) and I seem to have passed a small clot. BUT this morning all that was in my painty liner was what looked like watered down blood and today I've had no bleeding at all. I took a HPT this am just because I wasn't ready to give up and nada. I've had all sorts of symptoms so it was weird that I started my period but now I'm wondering if I have them for a reason and my BFP is just being a jerk and not showing up. Any ideas???