Help me!


I have a 5 month old boy. He's so loving and smart and amazing! He has so much personality already and he's so spunky. The only thing that me and my boyfriend get tired of is he always wants to be carried. He will stay in his swing for about 5 minutes, his walker for 10 minutes, and on the bed for about 10 minutes then he starts crying! He wants to be held all the time 😔 I can't do anything because he's heavy and take on of my arms of course. He will cry and cry and cry till you pick him up. I don't shower or eat or pretty much anything until he naps which he's cutting down in naps to only 2 times a day. It gets draining just carrying him. What are some tips I can do to not make him want to be carried so much. I play with him on his play mat with toys and he still crawls onto my lap to want to be carried. He cared for his toys for about 2 seconds to put in his mouth then he's done.